Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Freddy To the Rescue - Book Three in the Golden Hampster Saga: Series Study, Fantasy, Fiction

Freddy To the Rescue - Book Three in the Golden Hampster Saga
written by Dietlof Reiche, translated by John Brownjohn, and illustrated by Joe Cepeda
Publisher: Scholastic Press

Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Rating: Thumbs Up!

Once again Freddy Auratus is up to his writing and creating trouble. This story takes off as he is using his writing skill on the computer to internet to save the lives of an endangered tribe of field hampsters. Though Freddy cannot directly speak to humans, he can write to them. The promblem is that Freddy does not want to reveal his genius, and he wants his secret and safety to remain the same. In this fun and adventurous saga, Freddy goes against city hall and bulldozers, with the help of his usual aides, Sir William the cat and the 2 guinea pig opera singing poets, Caruso & Enrico. In the end, the point of the story is to entice readers to become aware of the needs of animals, hear their cries, and take action to save them.

I gave this story another thumbs up. This is due to the enjoyment of the storyline, the fun black/white/penciled illustrations that leave room for imagination, and the actual message that was delivered within the fun text.

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